'The Red Queen' is a control panel. Drag it into your closed System Folder, and the Finder will copy it into the 'Control Panels' folder.
If you are working with an AppleShare server on a LocalTalk network, then all operations take a long time. Indeed, all the data has to go through the 'wire' and LocalTalk can only handle about 20K per second (if you are lucky).
'Red Queen' is a solution: it speeds up your network by compressing the packets. Of course, if we can make the data half the size, we can send twice as much over the same wire. Theoretically, because there is also some overhead involved, not only in AppleTalk itself, but the compression takes its time also. Yet, a substantial speed gain can be obtained if your computer network is slow and/or you have a fast computer.
So, measure the time it takes to copy a large file on your network, install Red Queen, and measure the time again. Much luck! Also, have a quick glance (at least) at the manual to see how Red Queen works most effectively.
The Red Queen can save you a lot of money. Just think about the time you normally lose when waiting for network traffic, or about the rising phone bills for modem connections. I spend countless evenings and weekends making Red Queen faster, better, and more compatible. So, all I ask is a recognition for my work. That's why I distribute Red Queen as shareware.
• If you can estimate how much money you save by using Red Queen: pay me 1% of it.
• Else, all I ask is $1 (yes, one US dollar) per Macintosh. (I know its real value is much higher…, but is $1 too much to ask?)
For a contribution of at least $10, I'll send you a disk with an update of Red Queen (when it's available).
Jan Bruyndonckx
Salvialei, 23
B-2540 Hove
AppleLink: WAVE.BEL
Internet: wave.bel@applelink.apple.com
US Residents can also register at the following address:
Jan Bruyndonckx
c/o Bill McConnell
1207 Chestnut St #4
San Francisco CA 94109-1042
But please, send all questions and support calls to my address (e-mail or postal) in Belgium, Thanks!